This website contains general information about herbs traditionally used as remedies. The information provided on this website and in my newsletters is not intended to replace the advice and care of a medical practitioner. Please do not attempt to self-diagnose or medicate. Before using any of the items featured here, it is strongly recommended that you check that it is appropriate to do so by consulting a medical practitioner. This is particularly important if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have an existing medical condition or are taking prescription drugs.  Please note that it is possible to be sensitive to any ingredient, be it natural or synthetic; therefore, a 24-hour skin patch test is recommended before use.  Trendy Look cannot be held responsible for anyone misidentifying plants or suffering any damage from anyone using any of the herbs or recipes mentioned on my website, newsletters, or social media. The responsibility is on YOU to be sensible and consult a qualified doctor to get an accurate diagnosis for whatever is wrong with you, and on YOU to ensure that you have correctly identified any herb that you may want to try to use as a treatment (if in doubt, ask a botanist).